March Read & Eat: Cook & Cake!

Nor did I cook, neither did I bake. But I did read and still reading Books by Robin Cook and Ate and still eating Cakes! Advantage of the birthday month.

I got lucky; three more Robin Cook Books from the library: Read—Crisis and Reading—Cure and Harmful Intent.

Crisis: Gives an understanding on concierge medical practice along with in depth analysis of a narcissistic personality with interesting courtroom sessions. You get to experience a good balance and dependency between forensic medicine and legal practice. Words etched in memory: Narcissism, Perfidy and Foibles.

And applying the C&C combination to my life so far…

Calm & Chaos
Constancy & Change
Comfort & Challenge
Crisis & Confusion
Charm & Cute
Colour & Cloud
Choices & Consequences 
Case & Chase
Care & Concern
Compassion & Cure
Classy & Creative
Curious & Cautious
Coffee & Clicks
Coasts & Coins
Contemporary & Conventional
Celebrations & Ceremonies
Conversations & Conclusions
Chapters & Continuations…

…Ashu Bolar

Single by Choice? Or by Fate?

That’s a trick question.

Well, I guess it’s the latter in my case.
And then followed by the former.
I think so.
I don’t know though.

By choice, seems smart or dignified to state.
By fate, sounds odd.
Well, odd-smart it is then.

Recently I have heard this phrase a lot…if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck then it probably is a duck. I replace the ‘d’ with an eff. No need of the article ‘a’ as well. And let’s make it in past tense and change the verbs. So the edited version is…if it sounds effed, looks effed, feels effed, then it effing is effed. No probability. Absolute certainty. On re-reading, I realize the edited version has some present and future elements to it. Or whatever…

Wikipedia has a page on Duck Test. Something new to learn. I may read it someday.

Well then, may be this page is the eff test. Or effed. Nevermind. 

World is a stage.
And all men and women are actors.

So said Shakespeare or he said something like that in As You Like It. 
No clue what he was thinking. But he was right.
Now, Do I Like It? No, I don’t like it because I don’t like being an actor in an unknown script. 

Not sure what role I am playing as life is a real-time script. You don’t know what is ahead, who is or isn’t going to be with you in that ahead, and for how long…

You may know the start time, just don’t know the end time and the ending.

My script so far—hilarious at times, painful most of the time. Divine powers were off moods when my script was written. Tragedy-type script. I don’t even like tragedy. Worst, I got to live one. 

There isn’t much consolation to an effed-up script. But it is what it is. Now, whoever said that, was also right. 

Moral of the story: Don’t ever date a duck. Because if you do, then you will have to answer that trick question—may not be to anyone in particular, but for sure to yourself; in your head, you will try to find an answer.

I have got nothing against a duck. Ducks are cute.
But a Human Duck, it is best to duck it.

Hope you got a good script while you trick all the trick questions.

Until next, learning & living my tragedy…

Ashu Bolar

Five & Seven

The Famous Five & The Secret Seven–two of my all time favourite book series. And if age is just a number, then why not read these fun-exciting-adventurous stories again! A few new additions to my mini library…some of which I had missed reading in the early years. Felt refreshing and nostalgic!

…Ashu Bolar

#Faraway #Movie #2023 #Netflix

Four languages – German, Turkish, Croatian and English, all blended so well in the script that the multilingual aspect of the movie never gets in the way of enjoying the movie. 

I have watched a lot of content on various OTT platforms. However, Faraway—this Netflix movie is one of the best recent releases on my watch list.

Generally romantic movies tend to show the polished-refined-glamorous side of the lives with all characters looking perfect, body perfect, with perfect houses and cars, etc. etc. Faraway is pretty far-away from the unrealistic version of life. 

To see characters as is in life is relatable. The movie is a clutter breaker amongst the sea of romantic movies; a clutter in itself, but a beautiful clutter. 

What stayed with me is the line…“Is your heart a sponge or a fist?”

Watch the movie for the answer, and well-answered it is!

Movie: Faraway, A Netflix Movie
Casting – Excellent.
Storyline – Different.
Location – Picturesque.
Romance – A unique version.
Humour – Realistic, Sarcastic.
Language – Multilingual, with subtitles in English.
Background Score – Apt choice of songs. Wishing Girl by Lola Marsh is my favourite, but I liked all the songs.
Likes – Double Likes!

Movie Trailer Link:

Wishing Girl by Lola Marsh YouTube Link:

Until next, maybe it’s worth asking, is my heart, a sponge or a fist?

– Ashu Bolar

Carrot, Stick and Me

The carrot and stick approach… 
Meaning someone dangles a carrot on a stick in front of you.
(It could be vice versa scenario as well.)

What happens?

🥕 Scenario A: Optimistic (Real?)
The stick has a carrot dangling at the end of it and once the task is done successfully, you get the carrot. Craving Satisfied Scenario.

🥕 Scenario B: Realistic (Real Enough.)
The stick is long enough to touch/grasp the carrot (within-reach-carrot) but there is a clause you can’t touch it before completing the task, and by the time it’s done either you aren’t eligible for carrot because it’s time up or the carrot has rotted. Battle Lost Scenario. 

🥕 Scenario C: Pessimistic (Not Unusual.)
The stick is long enough that you can never grasp the carrot. Unlucky Scenario.

🥕Scenario D: Messimistic (Very Messy.)
There is only one carrot but more headcounts than just you, hence the sticks have something like carrot but not an edible version dangling at the end of it. Either one of you gets the carrot or everybody gets just a small slice. Tricky Scenario.

🥕Scenario E: Pissimistic (Very Pissy ☹)
There is a within-reach carrot but by the time task is done and it is time to enjoy the carrot, someone out of the blue takes (or steals) and gets away with the carrot. Appetite-killed Scenario.

🥕Scenario F: Effimistic (Simplistic Actually 😊)
It’s the stick, carrot and me. I don’t like carrot. Hence its existence doesn’t matter much. I have my own invisible stick. Therefore, no stick above me or over me or behind me or anywhere around me. I have with me what I like (not carrot for sure). I relish it and let people around me relish it. A Better Scenario, a Happy Scenario.

And it is the month of March,
the birthday time.
So no carrot around me now.

I like Quality Street,
has been my favourite for a very long time.

That’s what is with me right now!

Happy Birthday to all the Pisceans and March born!

Until next, identify the stick, get hold of the stick, eliminate the stick and that carrot, if need be then replace the carrot by what you like, create a happy scenario and happy life!

…Ashu Bolar

Lemon and Life

When life gives you lemons

You are supposed to make lemonade. Now that’s a supposition.

Unfortunately everyone gets these lemons, asked or unasked for. It’s like they are in great demand in the Nature, I mean the metaphorical one.

Well, I too got, and keep getting. In my case it seems like there is a constant steady supply of lemons. I guess before I was created, Nature probably had an X-amount of lemons allocated, rather reserved, specifically for me. Well, that I guess can’t be undone. Too late. So all I got is to be creative in handling, or say, managing these lemon shots.

Ok then, what do I do when one is thrown/shot at me? They are generally not gracefully handed over. They just hit you. Bang and there you go.

Well, no point throwing back. It can hit someone else and that someone else’s response is not in my control. The person may choose to remain silent, or may opt to throw back the same lemon or orange or watermelon, no clue. The impact is directly proportional to the distance and the angle and the size of whatever the person selects to throw. I think that is not a pleasant scenario.

Next, I can choose to ignore, and then what? The lemon decays, from sour to bitter to forget-it situation. Again, not a pretty scenario. Sour is still better than bitter or the decayed version.

What more, make lemonade? Yeah, an interesting option—from plain sour to sour-n-sweet or sour-salt-n-sweet. The control of taste is up to you. And the control comes with learning. You may not get the right taste at the first time. You get to right my making a few mistakes (or may be many) and then never repeating those again. Combined with a lot patience and practice. Later, once you have mastered the skill, you can make the drink more interesting by adding other ingredients to suit your taste, mood or that of the people served (can be target audience if it is work related.)

Pie or Tart are some other options. But as of now, I am not into cooking (that much). Hence, lemonade and its variants suit me just fine.

As a kid I loved playing lemon and spoon. Interesting race it was. I use to win a lot then. Balance, vision and approach play a significant role if you want to win that race. Lemon can fall, spoon can slip, you may fall and get hurt, teeth may hurt (even break), tongue may feel odd, mouth may go numb and so on and so forth. Then I did not realize its significance in my future. I think Nature was training me in some sort. It was like, “Listen kid, you and lemon go a long way, so…get set go!” And I still play lemon and spoon mentally before deciding on finally making the lemonade. It helps in creative thinking or design thinking on why and how and what and where and who and when. I can now manage lemon and spoon and lemonade, all simultaneously.

Over the years, I have made Lemon my best friend. Good source of Vitamin C, enhances immunity and adds taste to my life!

So yeah, that’s the story of Me and Lemon.
Now, Me and Melon…I got to explore that section…someday in future I may write on Melon and Life!
No. Not played Melon and Spoon and I don’t plan to either.

Till then, take care. Enjoy lemonade. And Stay Safe.

BTW: In the image, it’s Lemon Tang. I told you. Design thinking!


…Ashu Bolar

The Five Senses and Common Sense

We all know about the known Five Senses.

  1. Sight means Eyes
  2. Hear means Ears
  3. Smell means Nose
  4. Taste means Tongue
  5. Touch or Feel means Skin

And then very important sense is common sense—all combined are very essential for survival. Unfortunately, common sense is a rare occurrence, rather very uncommon these days, especially in the smart phone era. I am not sure if a smart phone is making its user smart or dumb so that it (as in the phone) appears smart. In my experience, most of the time it is the latter; because intelligent use of any smart phone can make an individual really smart.

I have come across many Smart People (SP) in the last few years, who are busy (as in super busy) using phones, posting stories, just for the sake of likes and comments, most of which are only for trading purpose—I liked your post so now you like mine, a silent barter in the 21st century. I wonder sometimes have we evolved or the entire evolution is just an illusion. The infrastructure and ambiance changes, but has the behavior? Not sure.


Sometime back, I had travelled with one such Smart Person to a very famous and well known tourist destination where it is required to travel by a ferry. Now, the SP was busy clicking images and making videos and posting them, and during low network connectivity phases, there was visible anxiety switched to bouts of mood elevation when the signal bars increased to three or four as now the posts can be posted instantly. They are supposed to be stories. In my understanding stories are either fiction or non-fiction. But either ways it cannot deny the core logic. And my logic says if a story is posted and if you call yourself intelligent then you will narrate a story that will communicate something sensible to the audience. Otherwise it is mere waste of time. And time is life. Means it is waste of life.

Now, the images and videos were posted with some catchy lines and icons and emojis. Relevant research was done on the Internet to choose places to visit and make the so called instant stories. But the SP did not know the name of either Wharf of both the districts (extremely famous names, movies are made in and on these locations, and a resident of the city has to know it types of general information), which was a source of dumbness that created a lot of confusion and irritation to me (I got tired answering nonsensical questions) as well as service providers (who were managing a crowd of hundreds of passengers during the Holiday Season) as the SP constantly mixed the wharf name with the ferry service provider brand names (there was similarity in the spellings).

To me, it is like knowing a country and not knowing the capital city or the vice versa. It appears as if you were sleeping all the years in your school. Not expected from an experienced working professional. And not acceptable when you happen to be a trained Communication Professional because any communication is to be posted or published only after a thorough research. A little ‘sensible research’ would have been helpful. The instant stories and posts will get likes, but in real life you are collecting nothing but dislikes with incomplete knowledge.


Similar incidence was with another SP acquaintance, who is also very active on the social media. The person had come to me to discuss an interview disaster. This SP was called for an interview on a Radio Channel for a marketing position. Now the interviewer among various questions asked about the RJs – Radio Jockeys are essential to every Radio Channel as they are one of the main sources of content generation/communication and consumer engagement—very important when it comes to marketing a media service. Now guess what the SP did? Named RJs of another radio channel and mentioned that “I am a big fan of that RJ.” And the interviewer replied, “Great, but that RJ works for the competitor channel.”—which meant ‘if we select you, then you will be working with us but promoting the opposite channel on our payroll.’ Again, a little ‘research’ would have saved the face.

Attending an Interview for the position of Marketing Manager without knowing what is to be marketed is beyond dumbness. I don’t even know what to call it. The SP felt it was bad luck. I think it was good luck as it was not me who was the interviewer or else I guess it may have been the last time the person ever attempted a marketing job interview.


Another instance, a corporate communication senior executive working in a Giant MNC chain (Service Sector, Hospitality Industry) posts a selfie on a Monday during working hours on Social Media with hashtags #MondayBlues #BadDay #Boss etc. etc. If I was in the HR department, then my reply to the post would have been #Fired #LeaveImmediately.

Service industry – Hospitality, Hospital, Tourism, Aviation, etc etc. are very active on Social Media to reach the masses and to proactively or actively enhance the services for the consumers. I cannot imagine someone working in any industry, especially in the service sector (many time employees are expected to wear uniform), posting such nonsense on any day with or without the formal dress code.

Some people think owning a smart phone is smartness. Well, above are three cases of the Smart Phone Smartness. I will call these cases as we do in medicine, and not examples, because to me such SP cases appear more like addiction and obsession that requires some intervention. Now, if you have more than one smart phone, then think, think hard.

Any media, social or otherwise is a source of information. It can be News Paper or TV or Radio or Digital Forum or Trade Event or Any Event—it can be any medium of communicating with the audience. However, the basic rule of Communication remains the same: Always Authentic Information. When I say ‘research’ I mean content based on verified facts no matter who writes it. It can be a journalist or an author or a blogger or a social media influencer or anyone, but factual information. Anything otherwise that is nonfactual is a rumour, which is not to be reacted on, unless you want to Laugh Out Really Loud or you want to be Laughed Out Loud.

One should know what to like/share and what not to, when to comment and when to stay quiet, when to be a part of the discussion forum and when to just be an audience, especially those in the marketing and communication professions associated with media. Once you are associated with an organization, you become the brand ambassador for that organization/brand. One comment/like/share/post can have very detrimental effect on the organization/brand (that probably can still be managed) and on your career (that can kill your career).

Coming back to the Five Senses combined with Common Sense:

  1. Sight (Eyes): There is difference between Seeing and Looking.
  2. Hear (Ears): Hearing is not same as Listening.
  3. Smell (Nose): All that smells good is not roses.
  4. Taste (Tongue): Too much sweet is not good for health – literally and figuratively.
  5. Touch/Feel (Skin): Is it a good one? Or a bad one? Make a wise call. One mistake can ruin a life.

I hope you get the message. So once again, the choice is yours: Either LOL or Get LOLed.


– Ashu Bolar

typos…oh my my…

With the increase use of smart phones and touch screens, and constant WhatsApping anytime, anywhere, many times I come across several typing errors. Sometimes the sentences are so hilarous that you just laugh out loud (really loud!). Here are some good ones that I remember…

X: I got the job 🙂
Y: wow
Z: Congratssss! Good lick
That’s how fate is…licky you see. 😉 Probably, where luck doesn’t, there lick works 😉 Well on a keyboard, u and i are adjacent–so are g and f. Those clumsy fungers may next time type Good *uck…and if considered seriously by our friend X, I am not sure if he/she would be promoted or fired.

X: I got engaged!!
Y: OMG u r a licky gurl!!!
Oh well I assume that’s why she is engaged 😀

Ok fear…well some dears are actual fears…

Hell Asma,
Greetings from xyz!
(She meant hello…but sent me to hell with greetings :O )

Im cuming
Oh Yes Baby Yesss…

X: Werz u tday
Y: on suck leave
X: wow…no comments…we aren’t lucky to get such leaves!!!

Think you,
Ok now that send across wrong signals…thank or think…if not thank then why & what are you thinking?

Thanks for meeting today…it was great gun…
(Fun not gun)

There isn’t an end to these errors. Among friends it is acceptable. But with colleagues or may be family, I am not sure what the reaction would be.

And there is use of emojis which also can be construed as extremely confusing.

You can share some of your LOL typo moments.

Well, there will be many more typos…so dear readers…’to be continued…’ 🙂


…Ashu Bolar


What if a person’s brain starts working like bowels? I know it sounds crazy but the analogy is important to explain what exactly IVS mean. 🙂

If brain works like bowels, then it would collect thoughts, some of which (may be the good ones) would get assimilated and got lost somewhere in the body, and the wasteful thoughts would accumulate and accumulate to a level when it would be practically impossible to hold and then there would be peristalsis leading to movements beyond control (like those of the bowels) causing it to flush the contents (thoughts here) out of the system through an opening, i.e., mouth—and the discharge is the verbal excreta.

No, No, it’s not you. But yes, this happens in people who suffer from Irritable Verbal Syndrome (IVS)—where one suffers from verbal constipation (with occasional flatulence) alternating with verbal diarrhoea (symptoms are similar as in IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

These people are not uncommon to find, or rather very common I must say. They can be colleagues, batchmates, neighbours, family members, friends or frenemies. They are either well informed or over confident or dumb but pretending to be wise. They are constantly in need for attention and are the ‘Me’ types….feel free to add to the list!

It is hard to believe if you haven’t come across one, and if not, then for sure you will meet one soon.

Question is ‘How do you deal with someone with IVS?’

Wash Wipe Sanitize or…(not sure if there is another option)? ;P


Well, I have observed how people react. They…

  • Ignore
  • Tolerate
  • Silently smirk on their comments
  • Whisper about how irritating they are to the next person
  • Loose your cool & raise your BP
  • or Confront

I would stick to Wash Wipe Sanitize, in other words, confront…tell the person about IVS and give him/her a chance to get treated. The treatment is just a probability; the person may not change, but everyone deserves a chance no matter how offensive the condition is.

Right now I am in process of treating someone…relax…you will get your turn to treat (I am assuming you are IVS free)…till then Happy Reading! 😉

…Ashu Bolar