Mission Impossible Continues…

Your mission should you choose to accept…

As if it’s a choice.

That’s the recorded voice, which self-destructs post giving instructions to Ethan Hunt, in the film series Mission Impossible. Or your boss talking to you. One and the same. Which makes you Ethan Hunt. Nothing to be happy about. You too are now supposed to hunt or get hunted. I don’t enjoy either.

But yes, Mission Impossible Movies, those I like!

Dead Reckoning Part One was interesting. Some scenes, the dangling train ones specifically, were very well directed, acted and shot. Excellent execution. Worth watching on a big screen. And you can’t forget the bike, the jump and the fly towards the train…thanks to Benji’s technical system issues. It is just like any IT department of an organization. When you need it the most, that’s when it stops functioning, and in the worst-case scenario, it crashes completely. What do you do then? Same thing as Ethan Hunt—run or ride or jump or fly or swim or dive or all at once!

Ilsa, she was my favourite character after Julia.

The White Widow is an intriguing character.

Ethan-Luther-Benji make a good team.

And the Entity…hmmm…more to know on the same next year now!

Until next, enjoy the MI series, 1 to 6, streaming on Netflix and MI 7 on Amazon Prime Video

Ashu Bolar

Trek: Stick-Unstick

When it comes to adventures, I am not very enthusiastic about it. Not because I do not want to, but because I think I can’t—which in itself is a mental block. My adrenaline high sessions are limited to meeting unacceptable deadlines and appearing for competitive exams. I am good at it. However, last week I was requested by my colleague and a dear friend, Chitra, to be a part of a weekend one day trek to a destination close to Mumbai. As always my answer was ‘may be’ which is generally a precursor to the upcoming NO. But somehow I could not say no to her, and Saturday 5 AM, I found myself in the bus, among 17 others, directed towards the first trek of my life.

On my way I was still thinking, “Asma, was it a wise call? Why are you in this bus? There is still time to return back to home?” I fought back these thoughts and finally reached the destination as per the scheduled time, details of which are as below:

Destination: Prabalmachi
Location: Panvel, Raigad District, Maharashtra-India
Trek Grade: Moderate (Beginner’s level – Guided Trek)
Guide: Save Tours and Treks (Save; pronounced as Saa-way)
Time: February 2022
5.00 AM: Departure from Borivali at around 5 AM
7:00 AM: Reach Base village
8:00 AM: After Breakfast to start the trek
10:30 AM: Reach Prabalgadmachi & Lunch
12:00 PM: Start Descend
2:20 PM: Start return journey to Mumbai
Food: Lemon Drink/snacks at food stops, Lunch near campsite
Toilet: Campsite (Sip water during the trek. Full bladder and trek is not a good combination.)
Cost: Between 1300 – 1800 rupees, depending on the number of people in the group and where you stay in Mumbai
Do’s: Wear breathable-comfortable-flexible garments. Ensure nothing is constricting your blood flow—clothing or jewelry or bags, etc. Rest and take deep breaths if you feel tired. Lemon-salt-sugar-water, keep it handy to make a drink if need be. Sunscreen, Sunglasses, Cap, Good Shoes, Sanitizer, Wet Wipes, Medical kit/Medicines are a must. Be in the group and follow guide’s instructions.
Don’t’s: Too many layers of clothes will make you feel hot in the later hours of the day. Heavy backpack; lighter the bag, easier to climb. If you have any health related concern, then best take your doctor’s advice before planning for any trek. Start early, end early; heat can drain you of energy. Never be too focused on clicking selfies and pictures without checking the surroundings. It can be very dangerous as the trail is zigzag and extremely rocky.

Well, post breakfast and an introduction session we all started with the trek. It was a two-hour ascend followed by a stop for lunch-pictures-rest session and two hours descend. Add 30 minutes extra to both the way up and down as I was the one to reach last. And this 30 minutes (which could have been longer) credit goes to the Rs. 20 stick plus the trekkers from the team who were there with me through to encourage. If not for them then high chances I would have not completed this trek successfully at all. They did an awesome job. I can be impossibly stubborn at times, so yes, they were awesome in convincing me that I can do it. I am grateful I met them. I am not sure if they think the same though. 🙂

And yes, if I can do it, then I think many who have that mental block can. It was difficult but in no ways impossible. Those five hours taught me that no classroom can ever teach,  something/s I needed to know like…

A. It is nothing to do with age. It is to do with your will power. Easier said than done—yes, I know. I used to say, but this time I did it before completing the four decades of my life. The team had people between the age group 30 to 70 years.

B. Never say never. Keep the possibility, a possibility. There is a first time for everything; you just may not know what. By being part of this trip, I broke the ice with my colleagues. I joined the organization during the pandemic. Barely knew any one. But now, I know a few and I am happy that I do.

C. One life, one chance. There were numerous obstacles during the trek ascent and descent, but I overcame all of them. Some by myself, some with the support of the trekkers, a few with my team members, and of course, a lot by ‘the Stick’. All these were my support system. The whole trek was a metaphor to my life—ebb and flow, smile and frown, yes and no, easy and tough, smooth and rough, hurt and heal, sickness and health, victory and failure, just and unjust, fair and unfair, rise and fall, rest and unrest, quiet and noise, alone and company, full and empty, like and dislike, ever and never, do and don’t and everything in plural. Every decade, year, day in my life, the Universe has surrounded me with support systems—some I notice, some just go unnoticed. I am truly grateful for all that I am guarded, granted and gifted in life. Not that I wasn’t earlier. But I realized I have missed a few.

D. Let Go, and Let God. Now, the Stick, I was suggested to carry as a souvenir. I thought I should, but last minute I decided to leave it for the next first-time trekker. He/she may need it more than I would now. No point sticking to the stick now. Its job was done in my life. Unstick. I am back, sound, safe and sane.

E. Stay motivated. For the villagers, those rocks and stones were just a part of everyday routine. They never saw them as any kind of obstruction. And seeing them taking that rough and tough path with weight on shoulders and head but a smile on the face was a very big motivation besides the support systems around me.

Hmmm, these are some Stick-Unstick thoughts in my head as of today. Yesterday, 5 AM I started with doubts and 5 PM I was at home with lessons learnt. I am not a trekker, not sure if I would do it again, but again, never say never…so I would never know!

Note: A BIG THANK YOU to the Save Tours and Treks. Especial thanks to Sachin trekker (that’s how he introduces himself), Jiya – the photographer and Saveji for being with me, for motivating me and lending hand whenever I summoned help. Thanks to Sam for leading the trek. For those interested, the contact to the Save Treks and Tours is as below:
Mobile: +91 8655563635
Website: www.savetoursandtravel.com

Some glimpses…

…Ashu Bolar

2022: A Prayer

Dear Almighty,

It’s the same me, yet another year.

It’s the same book, yet another chapter.

It’s the same life, yet another possibility.

Oh Lord,

Let this year be blessed.

Let this chapter be beautiful.

Let this possibility be bright.

Ya Rab,

Guide me to be, the peace and kindness, that I wish to receive.


– Ashu Bolar

Words, Meanings & Voices

Recently, I happened to watch a movie named Some Kind of Beautiful. Now, it has two more titles – How to Make Love Like an Englishman and Lessons in Love. Yes, slightly confusing. But with Pierce Brosnan in the movie, no matter what the title I got to watch it anyway.

It reminded me of my days as an English Literature student. ‘Romantics’ and ‘Romanticism’— important topics for a second year post graduation question paper. Poems and Poets from the Romantic era form a major part of the second year MA English syllabus. One can’t do without reading about and the works of Wordsworth, Byron, Coleridge, Blake, Bronte, Emerson, Hugo, Scott, Shelley and many more.

But what the movie made me realize is that no one taught me the way Prof. Gordon Haig and Prof. Richard Haig are teaching. Very interesting approach. I wish I had attended or probably in the future would get to attend such lectures. The way in which the significance of Romantics is explained is truly wonderful.

Some of my favourite lines from the movie are…

“…Romantic age which wasn’t about love. It was about going your own way, defying authority and following your heart…” – Prof. Gordon Haig

“Forget the critics. Let them have their own opinions. Let them publish their books and brag about them at tedious faculty parties and let university librarians file those books away…there is nothing theoretical about the Romantics—Where true Love burns Desire is Love’s pure flame; It is the reflex of our earthly frame, That takes its meaning from the nobler part, And but translates the language of the heart. (Desire by Samuel Taylor Coleridge).” – Prof. Richard Haig

“I can tell you what’s behind the words for them, but I can’t tell you what’s behind those words for you…because this class is about you learning to find your own meaning, your own voices. Go read the poems. But know that at this moment you are the Romantics, you are the relevant ones. Let Byron, Coleridge, Wordsworth inspire you to do your thing, to go your own way…Ignore anyone who says you can’t. Follow your hearts. Do good things, be bold and above all else…stick it to the man.” – Prof. Richard Haig

I totally relate to Prof. Richard Haig’s views. Finding your meaning, your own voice…hmmm…and that comes after learning from a lot of life experiences…some good, some not-so-good ones. What is important is that you find that voice, and then, cherish it, expand it and never let it go, and never stop learning, not just words, but the meaning behind them in your life.

Well, it made me think, what am I?

A Dreamer…hmmm…with open eyes and closed.

A Dynamo…hmmm… following heart has always been the way. Some label it as Drifter.

A Rebel…hmmm…if that’s what you call finding your own voice, then I guess, yes.

A Learner…hmmm…always was, always will be.

A Mentor…hmmm…in a way…boldness, advising, doing good things, guiding, comes naturally.

A Romantic…yes…a Millennial Romantic, for sure.

A very interesting movie. Some great acting. Some beautiful actors. Pierce Brosnan and Salma Hayek being my favourites. And there is the link to the trailer; movie is on Netflix.

Words Meanings Voices

Link to the Movie Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyF9TXiOnLw

…Ashu Bolar


I did right, or did I?

Three years to complete the four decades of my life, I stand by myself, but surprising some, shocking many.

I did right, or did I?

Ten years post grieving a broken cord, I stand single, but strong.

I did right, or did I?

Twenty years of continuous evolving from the acquired knowledge, work, life, I stand alone, but confident.

I did right, or did I?

Twenty three years of life after a life altering loss, I stand upright, but attracting many frowns, some odd expressions.

I did right, or did I?

I stand to grow.

I stand to what I believe.

I stand to fly, fly high.

Brows will be raised.

Frowns will be formed.

But I don’t expect the distorted expressions to understand my life.

Because my life is my journey, walked in my shoes, my heels, my flats, my sneakers, my boots, my naked feet.

Yes, I did alright, may not be perfect, but right.

On witnessing thirty seven revolutions of our planet around the sun, I wish myself a very happy birthday, a happy life.

I did right by wishing myself, or did I?

By setting my norms for myself, I have always done right. 🙂 😉 🙂


…Ashu Bolar

Ten years, a decade, an experience 

The year 2009, yes, that’s when I started blogging, a birthday month start-up. And 10 years of writing made me learn-unlearn many things, about myself, on surroundings, in life. An Experience.

Hmmm, looking back, it has been a great feeling altogether…friends, books, knowledge, coffee times, selfies…time well spent. A Great Experience.

Some baggage shed, some still to be. Some minor changes, some major adaptabilities. Some faded memories, some still afresh. Some forgotten, some still around. Some work completed, some new beginnings. Some dreams fulfilled, some hopes ahead. A Beautiful Experience.

I know I have changed, a better version of me than yesterday–a process I would like to adhere to on everyday basis. So yes, a decade gone, another begins…Awaiting The Next Exciting Experience…

Thanks to all those following, liking, commenting, sharing, reading, visiting my blog. Please feel free to connect with me on my Email id (ashubolar@gmail.com) or Facebook Page (AshuBlogs) or Messenger anytime.

Me in 2009 and in 2019…Changed? Right!

2019…Being hopeful…While still dreaming…

– Ashu Bolar

Women’s Day…

My day began with silencing the alarm vibration on my mobile phone, only to notice many good wishes, some motivational quotes, a few creatives–all wishing Happy Women’s Day.

A good start of the day.

Next, had a meeting. Went well.

Next, thought of carrying something for my colleagues; was wondering what, and there I saw a Mad Over Donuts (MOD) outlet. Ordered donuts, followed by the unexpected at the billing counter. The person asked me for identity proof, and I was thinking, “Since when did retail stores started asking for identity proof!” It took me by surprise, but on asking why, the reason stated made my day. It was to check my birth date as I get discount equal to my age.

Felt good to be old today! 🙂 😉

My next question was, “What if the customer is 75 years old lady?” It seems age limit for discount is 50, with conditions apply. But 50% discount too isn’t bad!

No, no…I am yet to be 50…long way to go, however, I liked the marketing initiative.

Well, donuts were great. They always are.

So far, the day has been good.

Have a great day ladies. And if you happen to come across an MOD outlet, I think it’s worth your time visiting today. 😉


MOD Image Credit: MOD Facebook Page

Happy Women’s Day to all the ladies out there!!!

– Ashu Bolar








Bistro 1

Yet another new addition to the restaurant-zone at the BonBon Lane, Seven Bungalows…and a good one!

My favourites…

Prawns Dynamite…a real dynamite!

Basa with Herbs and Couscous

Loaded Potato Wedges

with Orange Basil Mojito!

Price for two around Rs. 2000 (for no alcoholic drinks)

Nearest Stop: Versova Metro (Andheri-West, Mumbai)

Some Bistro Moments…

…Ashu Bolar


Worth a try!

Healthcare Media: Trends and Challenges

Last month I was to take a session on this topic. Before creating the presentation, I kept on thinking of the possible trends and challenges in media and communication, healthcare or otherwise. Well, the leading trend is Going Digital, for any form of communication or media or project. But what about the challenges?

Hmmm, Digital – can be a challenge. Any scientific invention has its pros and cons – advantages and disadvantages depending on the person using it and his/her intention/s.

Interpersonal Skills – yes a challenge, if all in a team are not aligned towards the common objective, and if the team comprises of members from different backgrounds, which usually is the case. This can be solved through sessions of grooming, team building and project meets.

Gen – By this I mean which Gen do you belong to? Gen X, GenY, Xennial, Millennial, Gen Z? Each generation has its own characteristic—extremely unique, a differentiating feature.

I belong to the Class: Gen Y, Sub Class: Xennial.

Yeah, born in 1982, I have witnessed a tremendous transformation in the communication channels…
From the ring (rotary) dial phones to the cordless phones to the cordless phone sized mobile phones to the smart phones and the touch screens…Nokia, O2, Motorola, Blackberry, iphone, Samsung – name it, and I have used it all!
From the box televisions to the flat LED/LCD screens…
From the telephone dependent long dialing Internet connections to the instant Internet connectors, dongle and WiFi…
From the typewriters to desktops to laptops to tablets…
From the hand-held video games to the onscreen Play Stations…
From the film cameras to digital cameras to phone cameras…
From writing diaries to blogging…
From listening to music on Walkman to ipods to phones…
From Floppy Disks to CDs to DVDs to Pen Drives to cloud storage…
From the time when pictures where clicked on some special occasion to the era of ever-clicked selfies…
From the hours of chatting on phone, to typing on chat windows, to sending SMS, and now WhatsApping…
From searching the books in the library to the very convenient Google Search…

So far I have seen it all, adapted to most of it, and waiting to see, experience and learn more.

Good or bad? Well, I think, one has to change with time. And one thing my generation has learnt is to evolve continuously–keep adapting, be flexible– because we did not have much of a choice. Adapt or extinct was the case.

I think, adaptability to technology (may not be applicable in other areas) is a prominent feature seen from Gen Y onwards. Earlier Gen, not so much, which is something that most of the time poses as a very big challenge. But even impossible says I-am-possible. So, where there is a will, there sure is a way.

The audience to the event was Faculty Members of Ajeenkya D Y Patil University, Pune, and the talk was well received.  I am glad I was invited and looking forward to more such sessions were I too get to learn before I talk/discuss on a topic.


Some interesting website on Gen I came across while doing my research are as below:

Till next blog post, happy reading!

…Ashu Bolar