Move It! Lose It! Prove It!

“In the game of mercy when one kid cries out, the other one listens and the pain stops. Don’t you wish it was that easy now? It’s not a game anymore and we’re not kids.  You can cry mercy all you want, but nobody is listening. It’s just you screaming into a void.”

– Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy; S10:E3

How many times do you find yourself screaming into the void? Sometimes more than once in a day and sometimes more than you can count in a week. It happens to all of us. I keep writing and saying Life is Beautiful. It is, but as the adage goes ‘Life is not a bed of roses’. You do get roses, but roses are never without thorns. Some days are good or perfect as we generally call it. And some are plain bad hair days. So much so that you cry mercy—a cry rarely heard, often ignored.

It can be personal or professional, and sometimes both. But then what do you do?

Life does not come with a pause, rewind or forward button. It just goes on, non-stop, till your final breath.

“What if your focus splits? Are you left with nothing at all? Maybe you just need to find a different path. What if you can’t give a hundred percent? Maybe you just need to go back to the beginning and start all over again.

– Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy; S10:E5

Yes, may be you need to go back to the beginning, unwind, and start all over again. As the Fifth Episode of Grey’s Anatomy Season 10 ends, Callie Torres’ attitude and Little Jackie’s beautiful song ‘Lose It’ says it all…

Exercise your right to enjoy life, you don’t need an invitation.

To let loose and be free, no need to RSVP.

Make your way to the party, no need for navigation.

Just fire your smile, exercise your right to have fun.

Go outta your mind, get into the music…

Colour outside the lines, I want you to move it…grove it…show me how you lose it…

Move it…grove it…show me how you lose it…

Move it…grove it…show me how you lose it…

What is the art of letting go, this is your moment, it’s your commencement.

C’mon stand up, all your hands up, being in present.

You can’t occupy two places at the same time; leave the past behind, a simple change of mind.

Fire your smile, if you’re ready, get set for a good time.

Go outta your mind, get into the music…

Colour outside the lines, I want you to move it…grove it…show me how you Lose it…

Move it…grove it…show me how you lose it…

Move it…grove it…show me how you lose it…

Exercise your right to enjoy life, you don’t need no invitation.

So let loose and be free, no need to RSVP.

Go outta your mind, get into the music…

Colour outside the lines, I want you to move it…grove it…show me how you lose it…

Move it…grove it…show me how you lose it…

Move it…grove it…show me how you lose it…

Lose it
Screen Shot From S10:E5 Grey’s Anatomy

Let’s get into the music. Let’s colour outside the lines. Let’s Move it..Grove it…Lose it…Prove it! 🙂

…Ashu Bolar

Love Is Blind, Is It?

Bull Shit! How can love be blind? When in love, how could one forget applying minds and cease being logical? Not possible. Yes, it’s impossible.

Then one fine day…you meet that someone and something happens…DHAK DHAK…your heart beats faster…you start dreaming…glowing…humming…smiling for no reason…and you finally fall in love…now heart gets energetic…sings lullaby…LAL LALLA LALA LALA LAL LAL LA…there your brain starts feeling drowsy…exchange of flowers….romantic messages…candle light dinners….by now your brain is already asleep…sweet dreams…what will life be with us together…long talks….long walks…long drives…Life Is Beautiful!

You continue dreaming…start accepting flaws…adjusting…changing yourself… ignoring signals…thinking this is my world and can’t let it go off my hands…compromising…still dreaming…

And then on one another fine day…Nature interrupts…your partially dormant brain senses something’s wrong…so you decide to check…but how?…not that difficult in this Google Era…that one scrap says it all…your dream love has left you for someone else…BOOM…all those dreams shattered…now your brain is wide awake…heart just beats, and beats faster, but not thinks…brain overloaded with thoughts…too many thoughts…many voices…‘Get over it’…‘It’s just a bad phase’…‘You will survive’…and after many sessions of red eyes and sleepless nights…you draw all your strength to put a final full stop to this dream.

TRING TRING TRING…the alarm rings… and you open your eyes to yet another fine day…now that you have regained your eyesight, you start seeing things clearly…restart being logical…and your logical thinking says The Fact Love Is Blind, Is Not Bull Shit!…But Horse Shit!! Infact, Deep Shit!!!

However, after profound analysis and evaluation, and several brainwashing sessions by your dear friends, you come to a conclusion that nightmares are bad, but they still are dreams…there’s no end to dreams…and if you want to dream then you should also have the strength to overcome a nightmare… and yes, amidst all the dreams, there are some real good dreams that do turn into everlasting cherishable memories.

So dear friends, you never know when cupid strikes again…but this time cupid comes with two warnings – ‘Beware Of Nightmares’ & ‘Heart’s For Beating And Brain’s For Thinking—So Be It!’ Atleast these will save you from temporary blindness.

Whether or not cupid strikes today…keep dreaming…keep smiling…keep loving…because Life Is Very Very Very Beautiful!


…Ashu Bolar